Child Dentistry

Children’s dentist in Bancroft

Child dentistry is a specialty at Park View Dental.

Child Dentistry

Child dentistry is a specialty at Park View Dental. As a parent, you have a big role to play in keeping your child’s teeth healthy and clean. You can help prevent cavities. Prevention starts at home, with good eating habits and daily cleaning of the teeth.

Cleaning Teeth – Young children are not able to clean their own teeth. As a parent, you must do it for them when they are very young and do it with them, as they get older until they can effectively do it on their own.

Dental Development – All 20 baby (or primary) teeth come in by the time your child is two or three years old.

Early Childhood Tooth Decay – Once your child has teeth, he or she is susceptible to tooth decay.

Your Child’s First Visit – We recommend that your child starts seeing the dentist regularly between the age of 3 and 5, earlier if there is a concern.

Fluoride & Your Child – Fluoride is a mineral found in nature. It makes the hard outer layer of teeth (called enamel) stronger. When the outer layer is strong, teeth are less likely to get cavities.

Pacifiers & Thumb Sucking – It is normal for babies to suck because it helps them relax. By the time your child is two or three years of age, he or she has less need to suck. Prolonged use of pacifiers or thumb sucking, can actually cause problems with teeth eruption and alignment.