

Park View Dental believes in preventive dentistry which is why we offer services that will help fight disease and bad breath before it starts.


Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?


Depending upon your unique situation and dental health, your visit may include any combination of the following diagnostic, preventive or educational services:

Diagnostic Services

  • Take necessary cavity-detecting x-rays
  • Assess your periodontal (gum) tissue
  • Evaluate existing dental restorations for proper fit, function and aesthetics
  • Check of your bite, chewing and swallowing patterns
  • Review and update your medical history
  • Record any changes in your prescribed medications and physical condition
  • Evaluate possible cosmetic enhancements of your smile
  • Identify any cause of bad breath (halitosis)
  • Examine and screen for oral cancer
  • Check your blood pressure
  • Refer you to specialists for specific treatment
  • Develop a comprehensive treatment plan

Preventive Services

  • Clean and scale teeth to remove all plaque and calculus (tartar)
  • Remove surface stains from the teeth
  • Apply pit and fissure sealants to help prevent decay
  • Fluoride application
  • Polish teeth and gold, silver or composite resin fillings or crowns

Educational Services

  • Instruction in tooth brushing and flossing
  • Counseling in proper nutrition
  • Presentation of prescribed dental treatment
  • Recommending future treatment (orthodontics, periodontal therapy, etc.)


Because each patient’s needs are different, you should check with us to see what’s appropriate for you. Typically, oral hygiene visits are scheduled for every six months.


In general, it’s recommended that children begin receiving oral hygiene services when they’re as young as two to three years old. By beginning exams at an early age, we have time to create positive experiences for your child to set the stage for a lifetime of quality dental care.

How Do I Maintain Dental Health Between Visits?

A beautiful smile is up to you! In addition to regular oral hygiene visits, it’s important that you eat a balanced diet and make sure to floss and brush every day. During your appointment, we’ll be happy to show you the type of toothbrush that’s best for you. Typically, you should choose a toothbrush with soft, nylon bristles that are smooth and rounded.

Toothbrushes should be replaced when the bristles begin to lose their original shape.


Flossing removes plaque and bacteria that you cannot reach with your toothbrush. If you don’t floss, you are missing more than one-third of your tooth surface. Plaque is the main cause of gum disease. It is an invisible bacterial film that develops on your teeth every day.

Within 24 to 36 hours, plaque hardens into tartar (also called calculus), which can only be removed by professional cleaning. Floss at least once a day, and plaque never gets the chance to harden into tartar. Getting into the habit of daily flossing is easier when you floss while doing something else like watching TV or listening to music, for example.


Gums sometimes bleed when you first begin to floss. Bleeding usually stops after a few days. If bleeding does not stop, see your dentist. Floss can shred if you snag it on an old filling or on the ragged edge of a tooth.

Try another type of floss or dental tape. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for advice. If your floss still shreds, see your dentist.


Regular, thorough brushing is a very important step in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing removes the bacteria that promote tooth decay and the plaque that can cause gum disease.

Ideally, you should brush after every meal, because the bacterial attack on teeth begins minutes after eating. At the very least, brush once a day and always before you go to bed. Brushing your teeth isn’t complicated, but there is a right and a wrong way.

Protecting one of your most valuable assets—your smile—through regular oral hygiene visits will help keep it sparkling for a lifetime. Sure, you may take excellent care of your teeth at home with daily brushing and flossing. Yet regular oral hygiene visits are vital for keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy, preventing potentially serious problems.


Periodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the maintenance of health and the diagnosis and treatment of gum disease, as well as the placement of dental implants. A periodontist is a dentist who has completed a university post-graduate specialty program in periodontics.

Periodontitis, like any other chronic disease (e.g., heart disease), will progress if untreated or inadequately treated. Moreover, it will recur if given the chance. Thus, it is very important to complete all the steps of the recommended treatment, from beginning to end.

The goals of the treatment are to control the cause (bacterial plaque) and the risk factors, repair the damage present (pockets) and restore and maintain a healthy environment.


In the broadest sense, periodontal disease can be considered any form of disease affecting the periodontium – the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Inflammation of the bone is called periodontitis.

The periodontium also includes the gums (or gingiva), the bone of the tooth socket, and the periodontal ligament – a thin layer of connective tissue that holds the tooth in its socket and acts as a cushion between tooth and bone.

Inflammation or infection of the gums is called gingivitis. If allowed to progress, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis, the invasion and destruction of the underlying bone that anchors the teeth in place. As that happens, the gums may recede, exposing the root surfaces and increasing sensitivity to heat and cold. Teeth may even loosen because of bone destruction.


These conditions can arise for a variety of reasons. A severe deficiency of vitamin C can lead to scurvy and result in bleeding, spongy gums, and eventual tooth loss. And at least one periodontal disease – the uncommon but highly destructive juvenile periodontitis – is thought to have a strong genetic basis. But as the terms periodontal disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis are most commonly used, they refer to disease that is caused by the buildup of dental plaque.

Plaque is a combination of bacteria and sticky bacterial products that form on the teeth. Its source is the natural bacteria in the mouth, of which more than 300 different species have been identified. In small amounts and when newly formed, plaque is invisible and relatively harmless. But when left to accumulate, it increases in volume (in large amounts, plaque can be seen as a soft whitish deposit), and the proportion of bacteria in the plaque grows.

The role played by plaque in the development of gingivitis was demonstrated in the early 1960s. Dental researchers had people stop brushing their teeth and let the plaque in their mouths build up. Within two to three weeks, signs of inflammation appeared – redness, swelling, and an increased tendency to bleed – and when brushing resumed, the inflammation went away.

Some people with gingivitis do, nonetheless, develop periodontitis. The plaque that causes gingivitis is located at or above the gum line and is referred to as supragingival plaque. With time, areas of supragingival plaque can become covered by swollen gum tissue or otherwise spread below the gum line (where it is called subgingival plaque). In this airless environment, the harmful bacteria within the plaque proliferate. These bacteria can injure tissues through the direct secretion of toxins. However, they cause the greatest damage by stimulating a chronic inflammatory response in which the body in essence turns on itself, and the periodontal ligament and bone of the tooth socket are broken down and destroyed.

The bone destruction from periodontitis can be fairly even, resulting in receding gum lines. But more often, it causes deep crevices between an individual tooth and its socket. These crevices are called periodontal pockets, and just as it once was thought that gingivitis progressed to periodontitis, so it was once believed that shallow periodontal pockets inevitably deepen, eventually becoming deep enough to jeopardize the socket’s support of the adjacent tooth.


You can and should check yourself for the warning signs of gum disease. However, you may have gum disease that has spread into the bone and not have any of the symptoms. Most people do not experience any pain due to gum disease and therefore it often goes unnoticed. It is important to have regular dental checkups, including a periodontal examination.

The warning signs of gum disease include:

  • bleeding gums during tooth brushing
  • red, swollen or tender gums
  • gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • persistent bad breath
  • pus between the teeth and gums
  • loose or separating teeth
  • a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • a change in the fit of partial dentures

You should contact your dentist if you notice any of these symptoms.


The dentist or dental hygienist will inspect the color and firmness of the gums and test the teeth for looseness. They will also check the way your teeth fit together when you bite. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the bone supporting the teeth.

A technique called periodontal probing is the cornerstone of testing for gum disease. In this procedure, a small measuring instrument is gently inserted between the tooth and gum to measure the depth of the pocket.


In the earlier stages of the disease, most of the treatment involves root planing and curettage (cleaning) under the gum margins. It involves the removal of plaque and inflamed soft tissue in the pockets around the tooth with an instrument called a curette. Its purpose is to remove the bacterial colonies and the mechanical and chemical irritants that cause inflammation in hopes that the disease can be eradicated. The goal is that the gum will reattach itself to the tooth or will shrink enough to eliminate the pocket.

In most early cases, root planing, curettage, and proper daily plaque removal are all that are required for a satisfactory result.

In more advanced cases, the treatment may become more complex. If after removal of the deposits, fairly deep pockets remain, they can be eliminated by a minor surgical procedure called gingivectomy. This is done under local anesthesia, and a medicinal dressing is placed to cover the wound area for a week or so while it heals.

A similar procedure, called gingivoplasty, is used to remove excessive gum tissue and to provide a new and healthier shape for the gums.

In some cases, flap procedures are performed. The gum tissue in an area is lifted away from the teeth, all the underlying inflamed tissue and calculus are removed, the bone may then be reconstructed to a proper shape and the gum is then replaced to proper position and sutured. Healing of these procedures takes from seven to 21 days and is usually uneventful, although not without some expected post-operative discomfort.

Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed to treat gum inflammation.


The most effective nonprescription tool available is the toothbrush. Because a toothbrush’s ability to remove plaque is markedly reduced by splayed or matted bristles, toothbrushes need to be replaced at the first sign of wear.

Soft bristles are superior to hard for removing plaque, but the kind of brush you buy is less important than how well you use it. Several techniques have been developed for effective tooth brushing and it is advisable to be instructed in at least one by a dentist.

Flossing daily and brushing after meals will reduce the risk of developing plaque. Regular dental check-ups are important as well.


Do any tests or procedures need to be done to diagnose periodontitis and to measure its severity?

What is the cause of the periodontitis?
How serious is the condition?
What treatment will you be recommending?
Will this treatment eliminate the disease?
Will the gums return to normal?
Will surgery be necessary?
Will you be prescribing any medication?
What are the side effects?